To a Great Brother and Uncle,

In the words of Maya Angelou; “A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies, it brings us together again and again.”

Ezenwanne, you are that great soul that will never die. Even though you’ve passed on, you will continue to bring and keep our families together again and again. You meant a lot to so many people but you were exceptionally valued by the Obiegbu family. After the passing of your beloved kid sister Titi, my dear wife, your active communal life style kept alive our mutual understanding, support, respect and unwavering love for each other. You kept in touch with my children and I remarried few years ago, you accepted my new wife as family showering her with so much love.

It is said that the death of a beloved is an amputation. We have been amputated indeed by your death. How do we write about you? To try and contain you in words is futile because you span the breath of human experience. You were more than a brother-in-law and uncle that we sincerely find it difficult to describe you in words.

Ezenwanne, you were a man of the people with a humble, simple and unassuming personality yet very deep, discreet and wise. You related with the low, the middle class and the rich. You never deceived anyone on any issue but showed genuine care for all. Little wonder you had to galvanize the Isaiah and Cecilia Morah family to set up a foundation aimed at paying school fees for lots of relatives in the University and also setting up businesses for women married into the larger Morah dynasty. You did not limit your act of philanthropy to that alone but touched the life of everyone who came in contact with you positively.

You lived a peaceful and beautiful life Uncle Benson and changed the world around you for the better. We will miss you dearly and we truly feel so lucky to have shares great memories with you.

Good night and Rest in Peace, Ezenwanne.

Dr. Micah Obiegbu & Family