Strange they say are the ways of men; but stranger are even the strokes of faith. If it were in the days of King Saul, people would have been cautioned neither to speak of the sudden setting of the sun nor even proclaim it on the roof tops. However, one is reminded that life span is three scores and ten and by the grace of God above it and “we can fly away”. Ecclesiastes (3) made us understand that there is Time for everything – “a time to be born and a time to die”.

Ezenwanne as he was fondly called was humble, respectful, a goal getter and so intelligent which gave him the ticket to the great University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He does not talk much rather speaks much to his books.

Ezenwanne was a hero. He touched lives of many people. An organizer and a leader per excellence. With the death of his parents, he took up the responsibility of leadership of that great home, he took it upon himself to pull his siblings together making sure that no one was left behind. This is evident today in the life of each and every one of them.

Benson is kind and homely. He cares for all asundry. He would always ask after everyone he knows that you know. He was a father-figure to all. It is very hard to say good bye to Benson. I can only say GOOD NIGHT Sleep on until we meet to part no more.

Rest on the bosom of your Creator.


Mr. Ossy Law Nweke Ugbo-Oku