Words cannot fully capture the impact he has had on our lives. With his warm smile and kind heart, he effortlessly spread love and joy to everyone around him. His unwavering support and guidance shaped us into the people we are today. Whether it was his words of wisdom or his contagious laughter, he had a way of brightening even the darkest of days. His memory will forever be etched in our hearts, reminding us to cherish every moment and embrace the power of family.

Uncle Benson was an incredible family man and truly glued the family together; the love he had for his family was out of this world.

Beyond his impeccable leadership of this family, he also gave us five amazing cousins to learn from and be inspired by. No matter how many nieces and nephews he had, he loved and cared for everyone as if they were his own. In the presence of Uncle Benson, there was always an aura of peace and security. We are always filled with joy when Uncle Benson is present.

As the anchor of the Morah family, he successfully led the way for our family to find a home in Canada while simultaneously maintaining a strong relationship with our home in Nigeria. We will always appreciate him for making us feel at home with him, particularly in Edmonton and in Awka. He made us feel loved in so many ways; many of us remember one special day where he invited all the young cousins to spend the night at his house. That night, he gathered us together, told us numerous stories, and sang us various Igbo songs. It was that night where some of us learned the Lord's Prayer in Igbo for the first time. It is this kind of intentionality he displayed when caring for us that will be deeply missed.

This untimely loss of our dear uncle cuts deeply as we reflect on our recent memories made together over the Christmas Break. Tobe's dearest memory with Uncle Benson was last New Year's, a couple of days before returning to Canada. Uncle Benson had stopped by to visit when he called Tobe aside to ask him, "What did you learn through your trip here?"

A simple question that spoke to Uncle Benson's interest in our thoughts and our connection to the land of our forefathers. As Tobe sat with him, he expressed a newfound connection to Awka, an appreciation for the greater Morah family which he could depend on, and a community to call his own. Uncle Benson wanted that for all his nephews and nieces who never had the chance to experience it. He taught us that family always comes first and that they will always be there to help whenever we were in need.

For Nonso and Buchi, our uncle simply was a man of wisdom. Growing up, he would read over school papers and assignments, comment on new ideas, and share whatever insight he had to offer.

He was steadfast as an uncle and brother, and it was beautiful to hear of his essence and heart through the stories told by our dad. In the last message he sent Nonso before he passed, he highlighted the importance of carrying the family up as we grow. The ability to find pride in our roots and ensure that wherever we go, we try to take them with us.

As we reflect, it is hard to reckon with the words we did not get to say and the opportunities now lost to learn more from him. Although it saddens us to say goodbye, his words of wisdom will continue to live within us through every action we take. Every memory made and every precious moment we shared will linger in our hearts and minds forever. We will never stop loving you, Uncle Benson. Rest in peace, dear uncle, knowing that your legacy of love and compassion lives on through us.

- Adora, Chiamaka, Karchi, Nkem, Ify, Obinna, Oluchi, Arize, Azuka, Nonso, Amaka, Buchi, Noel, and Tobe