Dear Mrs Chinwe Morah

Condolence message

We write to commiserate with you and your family over the demise of your husband, Late Chief Benson Morah. Chief Benson Morah distinguished himself as an epitome of peace, a philanthropist and a devoted chrisitan. He touched virtually all who came his way positively. Though death is inevitable as it is debt we all owe, we sympathies with you during this period and also remind you that his death is not only a loss to you and your family alone but a lost to all the Igweogige Community. We pray God almighty to give you and your family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss and be assured of our continued prayers and support to you and your family

Please accept our condolences,

Chinyere Anekwe (ije chi malu) Chairlady

Lousia Morah (ebony Black) Secretary