I want to thank everyone for gathering today to commemorate him, Dr. Benson Morah, or to me, Grandpa.

My grandfather was a great man. No, he was an exceptional man. He was the kindest and most loving person I have ever met. No matter the day, time, or situation, he always had a smile on his face and playful jokes ready to go. Not once did I hear anything bad said about him or him say anything bad or hurtful towards others. He was always a positive and caring man. He loved his grandchildren as if they were his own kids.

I have so many fond memories. Looking back, I can't name them all, but just a few come to mind. Like the walks in the city mall together or the days we would spend outside at the park, playing around, laughing, and chasing rabbits to try to catch because he said if we caught one, we could take it home and keep it. Or every Sunday, going to his house with Dad and Dev, watching tennis, eating, talking, and having family over.

My favorite memory that will always be in my mind and heart is our trip to Nigeria. I remember him being so happy and excited when we arrived. I have to say it was the best month I ever had in my life. We drove all around, he took me to see family I hadn't seen in ages, the village my dad grew up in, and the houses he had built. Most importantly, he showed me where my name came from and what it meant to be a Morah. It will truly be something I will never forget. It was amazing.

I am deeply saddened that I couldn't make the last trip to Nigeria that we talked about. I knew we were both equally excited for that to happen. I wish I could have made it to see you one last time. Going to Nigeria and Sundays will never be the same without you here. 

I miss you, Grandpa. I can wipe away the tears from my eyes, but the ache in my heart will always stay. We loved him, but God loved him more. So I'll live my life with his hand on my shoulder. Every time I hear my name called, I think about you. 

Forever and always, I love you, Grandpa. A true gift from God.

-Chuwkudozie Dante Morah