To My Husband and Best Friend,

Nwokie, your death is an unending nightmare!  I am heartbroken! You were a loving husband, a devoted father, a pillar of support, all rolled into one.

You were such a giver, without any thought of receiving.  You gave so much to people, friends, relatives, even strangers.  You gave your care, your time and finances.  Your nature was always to give.  We, your wife, children, and grandchildren know that your love and care for us was unimaginable and unchanging.

You were a great husband, a wonderful father and a devoted grandfather. 

For over 25 years, since our children all left home, it had been you and I.  We got so used to each other’s presence that we could talk to each other without speaking.

Your love for peace, your generosity and humility made you very vulnerable and instinctively, I was ever ready to protect you.

The children, your grandchildren, and I will miss you terribly.  When they talk about you, they never cease to discuss your large heart – especially how you couldn’t find it in you to punish them when they misbehave.  You always told them “go and report yourself to your mother” – and that would be it.

You were hardworking, very intelligent, a humanist and a man of integrity.  Nwokie, loving you was very easy because you were beautiful. 

It will be hell to live without you.  However, I remain grateful to God for letting me live with an angel for 42 years.  It was 42 years of a dream come true.  You were all I wanted.

And now it is an unending nightmare till we meet to part no more.

I love you but God loves you best.  I know you are now in heaven, with the saints triumphant singing – ‘glory in the highest’ to the kings of kings.  

“Good night sweet prince.”

  • Chinwe