We have known Dr. Benson Morah for more than 30 years -starting from Nairobi, Kisumu and later Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia. He was a man that not only radiated love, but attracted the same.

We found in him all the positive elements God expects of human beings. He was kind, honest, patient, steadfast, hardworking, supportive and very egalitarian to mention only these few.

In fact, his name Ezenwanne sums up who he was. When I was transferred from UNICEF Ghana to UNICEF Ethiopia, Ezenwanne who was the Director of UNFPA offered that I and my family stayed with him until we got our own house. He also organized a party for us to meet most of the Nigerians and many other Africans working in Ethiopia for the various UN organizations.

These gestures enabled us to settle very smoothly in Ethiopia. Though we had not seen ourselves for more than 15 years; nevertheless, we had remained in touch. Ezenwanne was not only an uncle to us; but also, a friend. All the people that interacted with him expressed the same. He was one of the few people that we can categorically say had no iota of evil in his mind.

It is most unfortunate for us to lose a good man. We can only find solace that: (a) he lived well; (b) built a solid family; (c) God knows the best.

May his Soul Rest in Peace

From Dr. Augustine and Frances Agu & Family Retired UNICEF Personnel Arizona